Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fall Drawing Day #9 & #10

It's been one thing after another in matters of school work... there is still one more day off before another week of classes.
Anyway, yesterday I've been going about doing grocery shopping and a bunch of other things requiring public transportation. I did get a chance to draw out quite a bit of people in between, though I'm still not really happy with my current figure drawing style... Maybe once I get in the whole figure I may try to post...
For today, I got to quite a bit of stuff... This morning I got to do a perspective study, which I haven't done for quite some time:
And later today I got together with some friends and we did a drapery study:
This was done in graphite... I kind of like the turn out, though I do wish to improve in a few areas...
Afterwards, I decided to draw out some skulls just study a little anatomy, both of these are copies from Hale's Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters:
I might go back and fix up a few things with these...
This semester I plan to try to improve my figure drawing, though words can only do so much at this point... So be on the look out for possible figures and perspective studies.

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